6 Simple Ways to Cleanse Crystals

Waning Oak
After researching, studying, and testing different techniques, I have compiled a list of six simple crystal cleansing methods. There are many ways to cleanse crystals, however some are lengthy, require many steps, or have the potential to cause harm or damage crystals. Those I will be discussing can be done in minutes or simply overnight. Rememeber, each crystal is unique and you are a unique individual. You may find that one crystal cleansing process works better for you, or a specific process may cleanse a crystal more completely. Experiment with the different methods and share what works best for you!

Cleansing with soil is the process of burying crystals at a shallow depth and utilizing the earth’s natural healing and cleansing capabilities. Simply make a small hole in an area where you know your crystals will be undisturbed and the soil is unlikely to be tainted with chemicals or toxins. Place crystals so that they rest without touching, and soil can completely cover each stone. Leave crystals in the earth for twenty-four hours. I prefer to bury mine shortly before or after sunset. When the sun rises, uncover the crystals and gently wipe them off with a soft cloth so particulates cannot scratch the surfaces. Your crystals should now feel lighter and energized.
Note: Do not place soluble crystals in the earth as moisture could harm them.
Citrine is one of the most powerful crystals we all have access to. Its range of properties are staggering, and among its traits are the incredible abilities to self-cleanse, and cleanse other stones. Simply place citrine on or next to the crystal you wish to cleanse so that they are touching. Leave them like this for twenty-four hours. If you have a citrine point, place it so that the point is facing away from the crystal for twelve hours, then flip it so that the point is facing the crystal for the remaining twelve hours. Remove the citrine and connect with your cleansed crystal.
Smudging with sage is perhaps the most well-known method for cleansing, and for good reason. It is simple, yet incredibly powerful. Place dried sage, either loose leaves or a smudge stick, onto a fire-resistant plate or shell. Never use plastic as it can melt and release toxins. Hold a flame to the herbs until they are lit. Let the flame go out so that smoke begins to rise. Continue lighting until you have a steady stream of smoke. Place your hands in the smoke so that it touches your palms, then the backs of your hands, clearing any energy. Before smudging any items, I like to give thanks to those who handed down this ancient tradition, and honor their culture.
Pick up your crystal and hold it in the smoke stating your intentions. For example: “Let this smoke cleanse my crystal of any negative energies. Allow this smoke to release and remove all unwanted energy.” Say what feels right to you as many times as you feel necessary. You may notice your crystal begin to feel lighter as you smudge. Once you have finished, let the sage continue to burn until it naturally extinguished. Place the ashes outside or remove them from your home in your preferred process to complete the crystal smudging.
Running Water
This method does not need much explanation. Simply hold your crystal in running water. Natural water is preferred such as a stream, but a faucet can suffice with a little visualization. Negative ions produced by the running water (1) help to shift and cleanse the energy field of the stone. I personally like to state intentions while holding crystals in flowing water as negative ions are impacting my own energy. Negative ions have been shown to enhance alpha waves increasing our level of awareness (2) as well as stimulating the production of serotonin thereby producing more positive thoughts. Take advantage of this positivity and channel it into your crystal.
Note: Some crystals can be damaged by moisture. Check to make sure your crystal is non-soluble before using this cleansing technique.
Direct Moonlight
Cleansing crystals with moonlight is my personal favorite. Simply place your crystals on a dry surface outside where they will be exposed to direct moonlight for most of the night. When you bring your crystals in the following morning you may note that, aside from feeling light and cleansed, your crystals may feel charged. This is the power of the moon!
Note: When using this method, be sure not to place any soluble crystals such as selenite out in rain or on damp earth as this can harm the crystal. Also, many crystals such as amethyst fade in direct sunlight; bring crystals in early so they are not exposed to a full day of sun
White Light and Intentions
This method of cleansing requires nothing more than an open mind, focus, and a quiet space. Find a comfortable space. Place the crystals in front of you. Take three deep breaths. Close your eyes and begin to focus on your White Light. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with the White Light method, this is a meditative visualization of White Light enveloping your body to cleanse you and your energy field. Every action and interaction we have throughout the day has an impact on our energy field. Cleansing ourselves of nonessential energy is a great way to start fresh.) It is important to visualize your own White Light prior to your crystals’ so that no negative energy can be transferred. Visualize a ball of warm, White Light appearing just above your head. When you can clearly see it, let the Light lower to the top of your head. Focus on the White Light slowly moving from the top of your head down to your shoulders, arms, core, legs, and feet. State your intentions as the light descends and surrounds you. For example: “Cleanse my mind, cleanse my body. I relieve myself of all unnecessary energy. I release all stagnant and negative energy.” You can say whatever feels right to you as many times as you feel necessary. There is no right or wrong way to state your intentions. You should begin to feel lighter, and have a clear mind as your energy field is cleared.
Once you have cleansed your energy field, pick up your crystal. Hold the crystal in your hands; feel it; look at it; focus on the weight of it in your palm. Close your eyes and visualize the crystal sitting in your palm still focusing on the weight and feel of it. Now visualize your white light extending from your arms to your hands and enveloping the crystal. Now state your intentions. For example: “Cleanse these crystals of all attached energies. Let this white light remove connected energy and clear the energy field of this crystal.” Again, say what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. As the crystal is cleansed you may feel the vibration change i.e.: speed up, slow down, or change intensity. At this point the cleansing process is complete.
©2016 Waning Oak
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To learn more about the history of smudging, check out this article: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Smudge_stick
English, Jim. "The positive health benefits of negative ions." Nutri Rev (2013).
Nakane, Hideo, et al. "Effect of negative air ions on computer operation, anxiety and salivary chromogranin A-like immunoreactivity." International Journal of Psychophysiology 46.1 (2002): 85-89.