Case Notes Of A Spirit Deathwalker

Published August 2nd, 2024!

In Rebecca – Case Notes Of A Spirit Deathwalker, Gabrielle Gardner shares her profound supernatural experience of connecting to Souls who are actively dying in violence. Gabrielle has agreed to share this unique and scarring form of Spirit Work publicly for the first time in this book of case notes documenting her time with Rebecca, a woman who was abducted in July of 2023 and murdered in August of 2023.
Gabrielle was with Rebecca for 31 days as she was brutally tortured to death by an unidentified serial killer, yet during their time together, the tragic experience was interwoven with incredible Divine miracles.
This exceptionally rare and unexplainable psychic phenomenon experienced by Gabrielle and Rebecca, resulted in multiple
physical manifestations of wounds on Gabrielle’s body that mirrored those experienced by Rebecca, despite hundreds of miles of separation.
Within the pages of these case notes you will find horrific violence interlaced with indescribable and inspiring spiritual beauty..
“In the midst of suffering and tragedy, I watched as Spirit assisted Rebecca through a horrific end of life, I saw the miracles and healing of Spirit, and I witnessed Rebecca’s profound bravery and resilience. Rebecca wanted her story told, and so I will do that.” ~ Gabrielle Gardner
Aiyana The Collective &
Guided by The Soul

Gabrielle Gardner Interview on Quantum Wisdom with Morgan (2022)
Who is Aiyana The Collective? Aiyana is a self-named loving collective of sentient light beings in the nonphysical. Gabrielle began channeling messages from Aiyana after meeting them during meditation in January of 2021. She feels Aiyana The Collective as a warm, bright, and loving presence, and has been shown they wish to clearly communicate messages intended to help you remember much about the Spiritual and energetic basis of life and existence.
What is Guided By The Soul? Guided By The Soul is a fully channeled book. In 2022 Aiyana shared the entirety of the book in less than a month- Gabrielle typed out the messages as they came in by way of automatic writing. Since the publications of the book Gabrielle has continued to channel messages from Aiyana during numerous private Readings and Group events.
Guided by The Soul
Remembering Who You Are, Where You Came From, And What You Are Meant To Be
A Channeled Spiritual Book
Published March 9, 2022!
You are an eternal expansion of energy only temporarily limited by the constraints of the physical body and human mind. These limitations are a beautiful gift – In the illusion of limitations comes the birth of creativity, curiosity, and a hunger for new knowledge and new ways.
"Why do I feel so anxious, stressed, and tired all the time? How can I get rid of these negative intrusive thoughts? How can I feel good again? What is my purpose? Why am I here? Why are we all here?" All these questions and more are addressed in this delightfully eye-opening book of channeled messages from Aiyana The Collective.
Learn strategies to change your patterns, shift your thoughts, slow your racing mind, lift your mood, cultivate your energy, transform negative experiences into fuel for change, find your deepest truths, and ascend to experiencing a life filled with balance, peace, and joy.

Aiyana The Collective
Private Readings & Live Channeling Events
with Gabrielle Gardner

Did you love Guided By The Soul and now want to hear personal channeled messages from Aiyana? There's a few ways you can receive personal messages regarding your specific questions, experiences, and life path. Learn more about Private Channeling sessions, private group events, and public Aiyana The Collective events.
Group Aiyana Channeling Session
In this session Gabrielle will attend an event with up to 10 people in-home or in a private location for 2 hours of Aiyana channeling.
Private Aiyana Channeling Session 30 minutes (online)
Come to this session prepared with questions for the Collective who authored Guided By The Soul: Remembering Who You Are, Where You Came From, And What You Are Meant To Be. Aiyana works to assist Souls on the earth plane with finding balance, clarity, purpose, joy, and peace. In these sessions, Aiyana often focuses on energy alignment, shifting mental patterns, and creating new thoughts and mental frameworks that facilitate confidence, success, growth, and happiness.
Aiyana The Collective Live Channeling Events
Join Gabrielle for a beautiful 2 hour event with others who have felt the profound Soul healing that comes from living a life Guided By The Soul. Ask questions, and hear Spirit Guided answers for others that may also resonate and bring insights, and peace to you. Laughter, lightbulb moments, and a sense of deep connection to your Soul Self are all a part of these unforgettable events.