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Channeling, Healing, Cleansing & Clearing Rates
Private Aweiaka Healing Session 1 hour (in-person)
In this session Gabrielle channels the healers of Aweiaka in the privacy of your own home or chosen location within one hour of Portland Oregon. Aweiaka healers take a unique hands on, energy based approach, to working with injury recovery, surgery recovery, stroke recovery, kidney failure, kidney stones, liver failure, fatty liver, gallstones, cancer, tumors, Chron’s, celiac disorders, IBS, arthritis, Grave’s disorder, fibromyalgia, and more. Scalar energy, shifting thought patterns, frequencies, somatics, reducing fear, reconnecting the mind, body and soul, and tapping into the Divine consciousness of your cells are at the core of these sessions.
$90 + Travel
(For people & Pets)
Personalized Aweiaka Healing Protocol (online)
This personalized Spirit Guided 2 week healing protocol will be based off of a 15 minute healing consultation and current symptoms/conditions. This plan will include personalized food lists, meal plans, meditation practices, mindfulness activities, healing movements, personalized pain management techniques, personalized energy alignment activities and statements, and a 15 minute check-in during the 2 weeks. During the check – in you have the ability to ask for Aweiaka healing guidance on current healing state, work on Source energy alignment and shifting mental and physical patterns.
Emergency Aweiaka consultation (online)
Emergency 15 minute online consultation with the Aweiaka healers. These sessions are commonly scheduled during a flare up of symptoms and are scheduled within minutes to hours when possible.
Group Aweiaka Channeling Session (in-person)
In this session Gabrielle will attend an event with up to 10 people in-home or in a private location for 2 hours of Aweiaka channeling.
$400 + Travel
Private Aiyana Channeling Session 30 minutes (online)
Come to this session prepared with questions for the Collective who authored Guided By The Soul: Remembering Who You Are, Where You Came From, And What You Are Meant To Be. Aiyana works to assist Souls on the earth plane with finding balance, clarity, purpose, joy, and peace. In these sessions, Aiyana often focuses on energy alignment, shifting mental patterns, and creating new thoughts and mental frameworks that facilitate confidence, success, growth, and happiness.
Private Emergency Aiyana & Aweiaka Trauma Healing Session (online/in-person) 30 minutes
In these private sessions Aiyana & Aweiaka share their unique approach to trauma processing. This includes conscious movements during trauma recovery, using physical movement and motion to deactivate the emotional charge on memories and experiences, diffusing painful thought loops, releasing shame and fear, stepping into peace and power, and creating a new mental framework surrounding your trauma, recovery, and Soul expansion.
$90 + Travel
Group Aiyana Channeling Session
In this session Gabrielle will attend an event with up to 10 people in-home or in a private location for 2 hours of Aiyana channeling.
$400 + Travel
Private Mediumship Readings (online) 30 minutes
In this session Gabrielle connects to your loved ones in Spirit.
Private Spirit Guide & Angel Channeling (online) 30 minutes
In this session Gabrielle connects to your Spirit Guides and Angels. Come to the session prepared with 3-4 questions.
Private Group Angel & Spirit Guide Channeling Event
In this session Gabrielle will attend an event with up to 10 people in-home or in a private location for a two hour Spirit Guided event. Have everyone come prepared with 1-2 questions. (Great for birthdays and other celebrations)
$333 + Travel
Private 50 Minutes Mediumship Mentoring & Development
In this session Gabrielle will work 1 on 1 to assist you in developing your Mediumship and Psychic skills. Spiritualist and psychic theory, skill building exercises, Guide connection for communication, protection, prayer, best practices, and grief/trauma care communication are some of the many topics that will be discussed in these private sessions.
New Dwelling Cleansing & Blessing
This type of service includes an initial walk-through visit with a brief investigation, clairvoyant work, and a ceremonial cleansing and blessing visit. Spiritual Cleansing involves harmonizing and balancing energy in your home and a blessing sets the tone for a home filled with light, peace, balance, and love. This visit typically takes 2 hours.
Spiritual House Clearing & Soul Crossing - Contact for details
This type of service includes an investigation, clairvoyant work, and a ceremonial clearing and blessing. Our visit typically takes 5 to 10 hours, including investigation, clearing, cleansing and Crossing. A Spiritual Clearing is the releasing of energies, and Crossing of Souls and entities is a more complex and intensive process that often includes multiple stages. If demonic entities are present, more will be discussed.
*Please Schedule A Consultation Prior To Booking Any of The Following Sessions*
Etheric Cord Cutting Session
These sessions provide deeper levels of healing after break-ups, divorces, "falling-outs", or loss of cherished material items or homes. During these sessions Spirit facilitates the unique healing that is needed in your specific situation. Spirit assists in releasing overwhelming emotions, unhealthy connections, and pain that exists on the material, physical and spiritual planes.
Contact for details
Death Legacy, Honoring & Remembrance Sessions
This session is a time to honor your loved one in a Spiritual nature. If you are feeling unsettled regarding the circumstances or timing of your loved one’s death, or were unable to have a funeral service, or remembrance that provided peace, this session is a good option. These sessions typically last 1-2 hours. They may include messages from your loved one and creating a place of honor and Spiritual harmony and balance to provide peace for your heart and Soul, and the energy of your loved one. These healings often provide the deepest level of peace when conducted in your home.
Contact for details
All prices subject to change
Gratuities graciously accepted to help provide healing to Souls and families that cannot pay.
Contact me if you need financial assistance for services.
For questions regarding Spirit Guide Channeling, Aiyana The Collective Sessions, Aweiaka Healing Sessions, Home or Business Clearing & Blessings, Group Events, Soul Work, or other Spirit Guided services,
contact Gabrielle The Medium through this form.
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