Hello! I'm glad you are here, and so are your loved ones! After their death, our loved ones continue to walk through life with us, just in a different way. They are with us and watching us ("no they don't watch us in the shower") as we grieve, during big life decisions and changes, during milestones like birthdays and weddings, and many, many moments in between. Often we can feel their energy around us during emotionally charged life moments- no that's not your imagination.
During Readings your loved ones and Spirit Guides are excited to share what is needed for healing. These are carefully chosen words as messages aren't always what we are seeking to hear, but they are what Spirit has deemed helpful for healing.
I am more than happy to do cold Readings if you prefer, however I find that when you
share your loved ones name and the time of their passing, a much stronger connection is made and we are able to have a more substantial conversation. It's up to you!
It is also common for your loved one to begin channeling through me during Readings via automatic writing, and when this happens, it is a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have- specific answers frequently flow out instantly. I get to do this everyday and it still amazes me what Spirit shares!
Often, for days and even weeks after Readings you will feel a stronger connection to your loved ones, and it is common to receive validating signs and spirit messages well after a Reading has ended, you just have to open your mind to the many ways they communicate with us!
Healings & Other Spirit Guided Sessions
Schedule A Free Initial 15 Minute Healing Consultation Call to Help Determine Your Needs Prior to Healings & Clearings
Each healing session is catered to your needs. An initial online call allows Gabrielle to prepare the materials needed prior to a session and provides time for Spirit Guides to share what will be needed for healing.
Alternatively, you may fill out the form below
and Gabrielle will get back to you as soon as possible.