House Clearings

We approach Spirit communication and work from a place of light and love. Provoking, antagonizing, confronting, and yelling is not how we operate. If there is a negative entity, energy, or force making it’s way into your home (which we will better understand after an initial consultation) we will take necessary steps to deal with the unwanted energy if it is within our scope of practice, or direct you to services that are better suited for your situation.
Most ghosts, or “Spirits” as we prefer to call them, were people just like you and me at some point in time. Yelling and provoking limits productive or informative communication and often stirs up more unwanted activity by frightening, offending, or angering a Spirit. Observing a space and having a relaxed conversation usually yields the clearest form of communication and the best results on determining why a Spirit is in a space, what they need, and how we can best help you.
More often than not, a “bothersome” Spirit is hanging around to convey a message to someone in the space, share their story, or need assistance Crossing. This can often be determined with your recount of experiences and a visit to the space.
If a truly malevolent energy is present, Gabrielle will work with Guides and Souls from the Aweiaka and Aiyana collectives to perform an entity removal ceremony. These are very rare and not needed in 99% of clearings
There is nothing, linear or fixed about how Spirit works. Each case looks and feels different and we will work to find the best solution for you and the energies in your space.
Schedule A Free Initial 15 Minute House Clearing Consultation Call To Help Determine Your Needs
Prior To House Clearings
Each healing session is catered to your needs. An initial online call allows me to prepare the materials needed prior to our in-person service and provides time for Spirit Guides to share what will be needed for healing.
Wait times for consultations are generally shorter.