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Spirit Crossing Ceremonies

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Souls that no longer reside in a physical body, experience time much differently than you and I. Some can be around for years or decades after their death, and for them it feels like mere minutes have passed. Souls are not “stuck” but they can become wrapped up in their own complex emotions which can delay them in moving to a place of light. Souls can be hesitant to move if they question “what happens next”, or if they need to process a complex or sudden death. They may also choose to stay to relay a message, or because they are intensely attached to a home or item.

A Glimpse of Sacred Ceremonies

A woman who had been murdered was filled with so much anger towards her killer and regarding the fact that her body had never been found, she was uninterested in crossing until she could have resolution. She was not stuck or suffering, and staying had been her choice. During the healing ceremony, she was able to tell her story, process her death and the anger she felt, and move into Light. Throughout the healing Spirit Guided me to incorporate many religious items and symbols. Since her body had never been found, she wanted the ceremonial healing to involve these pieces and symbolically rest next to the body she had left behind many years prior. These items were in no way required, and not having them near her was not preventing her from moving-- she was deeply religious and just asked that they be included and felt more at peace with them being used. She crossed into Light and Love after sharing her story and releasing her anger.

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A veteran who had fought in the Vietnam War killed women and children during the midst of battle. He returned to the US after the War and suffered extreme PTSD and nightmares for nearly 40 years. Even after death he was still having a hard time releasing his mortal actions and experiences many years later. He was not stuck or in pain, it was his choice not to move forward. He felt unworthy of peace and still felt self-inflicted regret and guilt. I worked with my Guides to try to have both his parents and his brother (who had all passed and crossed) help him in letting go of his emotional strife, but he still chose to stay. My Guides then connected with the Guides of one of the women this man had killed in Vietnam. She stepped forward (after completing an honor and remembrance healing session specifically for her and her family) and agreed to connect with the man. The loving Soul of this woman who lost her life during these war crimes was the powerful energy and force that guided the healing ceremony and helped him move to a place of light. This level of forgiveness, release and kindness was an unparalleled act of love. While she was still angry with his choices, she had no intention of watching this man “suffer” in his self-punishment. With her loving guidance, I and this man sat down in Spirit for a healthy 10am serving of brandy and chocolate chip cookies, his first indulgence in decades. We then, with this woman and Guides, began the process of shedding his self-contempt and raising his vibration so could lift up out of his turmoil, and prepare to walk with Spirit. As he processed his “pains” and released the burden of memories, nightmares, and shame, he was finally ready to step forward. He whole-heartedly opposed any of the Spiritual music I often use in ceremonies, and instead chose to cross into Light while listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Up Around The Bend. The Guided grid had a beautiful blend of masculine and feminine energies, a path out of the jungle of war guided by light and love, and an inspired ascending climb to peace.

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An initial online consultation allows me to prepare the materials needed prior to a Ceremony and provides time for Spirit Guides to share what will be needed for healing.


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and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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